zum Spielpan
SuckMyLips #3

Electronic music based series focussing on putting female and non binary artists in front light is coming from Berlin to Leipzig with an interstellar live music line up. We like to present to you:

GLITCHGIRL (Spain/London) - machinic and digital cyberfuture

LUCIA LIP (Berlin, GER) - electronic pop extravaganza

ANNA SCHUSCHU (Leipzig, GER) - dark, beat-orientated experimental synth pop

OLIOTRONIX (Leipzig, GER) - A rollercoaster of ravy, glitchy tunes made on gameboys and circuit bent toys

Auf Soundcloud finden sich einige Hörbeispiele: https://soundcloud.com/suckmylips

Aufgrund der begrenzten Bestuhlung und unseren Hygienemaßnahmen bitten wir um frühzeitige Reservierung über das Reservierungsformular oder per Mail an:

Due to limited seating and our hygiene measures we ask for early reservation using the reservation form or by mail:

Dauer: 180min
