zum Spielpan
Forte Youth Collective: Exercise of making sense together

Exercise of making sense together is a performative act, where all participants of our project Forte Transcultural Youth Collective get together and present their process based, final collective performance.

The challenge of getting together using different mediums of communication such as music,design,text etc... also different language and making sense out of it as a collective reflect sociocultural and political participation practices.

Performer:innen: Neam Tarek, Pedro Risse, Soubhi Shami, Mashid Mahbiubifar, Hanin Hanafi, Melissa Paz, Hana Hazem, Zain Tarek, Flora Geisselbrecht, Duaa Hamdou, Leen Murad, El - Imam, Nader, Marwa Dadoue, Dareen Mughaier, Nicole Rigert, Caro Diaz & Leonie Ulrich
Dauer: 60min
In Kooperation mit: Forte e.V.
